Let’s look together at what we’re dealing with in this moment in history. Most recently, we’ve been shocked by the prevalence of unprecedented violence with mass shootings of innocent people happening around our country and the frustrating political gridlock hampering needed reform. Then, there’s the ongoing horrific war in Ukraine with the unbelievable injustice being perpetrated on an innocent people as one sovereign nation’s despot seeks to annex a weaker sovereign nation – all with a backdrop of potential escalation into a world war.
That’s not to mention the economic uncertainty we’re all dealing with as the rising cost of living is hitting us hard in the pocketbook and threatening our financial future. And, for over two years now, we’re still reeling from the numerous effects of the Covid pandemic, which has taken over a million American lives and continues to challenge our health care system and our way of life, as we wonder whether another variant is on the horizon. Socially, we can find ourselves, often unwittingly, in the middle of divisive and volatile conversations reflecting divergent ideologies and perspectives, often marked by little patience and tolerance, which take their toll on our relationships. Even closer to home, each of us has our own personal struggles whether it be health concerns, family or job challenges, or worries and anxiety about the future.
In light of all that we’re facing in these trying times, we need to be gentle with ourselves and with one another. And, we need to draw closer to Jesus and to the faith He has left us, allowing His peace, “which surpasses all understanding” to dwell deeply within our hearts. What a blessing we have in our Catholic faith, which celebrates and proclaims the saving love of Jesus Christ as our source of hope in the face of all of these challenges. We deal with these realities with an understanding that Jesus shares them with us. We are not alone. The sacramental encounters we have with Jesus and His divine life of grace, the way of life and love He teaches us, along with the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit at our disposal, bring a courage and transformative power to bring about change, to occasion miracles, and to engender hope even in the midst of suffering, injustice, turmoil and uncertainty. We owe it to our brothers and sisters overwhelmed by life to share with them this hope we have as St. Peter advises us, “Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for the reason for your hope.” (1 Peter 3: 15). Who is someone the Holy Spirit is inviting you to give the reason for your hope?
God bless you!
Fr. Bob