Pastor's Corner

World Mission Sunday

10-20-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

This weekend, we celebrate World Mission Sunday, a special day that unites Catholics worldwide in prayer, solidarity, and support for the Church’s mission efforts, which is crucial for sustaining the Church’s outreach in over 1,150 mission territories. World Mission Sunday reminds us that we belong to a worldwide Church, which is not often in the forefront of our minds.


Prayer for the Synod on Synodality

10-13-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Every session of the Second Vatican Council began with the prayer Adsumus Sancte Spiritus, the first word of the Latin original meaning, “We stand before You, Holy Spirit,” which has been historically used at Councils, Synods and other Church gatherings for hundreds of years, being attributed to Saint Isidore of Seville (c. 560 - 4 April 636).


Respect Life Sunday

10-06-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

This weekend we celebrate Respect Life Sunday, which begins Respect Life Month. The U.S. bishops have affirmed that, while it is important to address all the ways in which human life is threatened, “abortion remains our pre-eminent priority as it directly attacks our most vulnerable brothers and sisters, destroying more than a million lives each year in our country alone.”


The Dynamic Catholic Prayer

09-29-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Do you pray for your parish, the wider Church and yourself with the intention that there will be healing in the Body of Christ, and a renewed zeal to work together to help unfold God’s plan for our world? Here is a prayer from Matthew Kelly that you can use or you can make one of your own.

The Dynamic Catholic Prayer

Loving Father, I invite You into my life today and make myself available to you.


Get Off Your Phones

09-22-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Have you ever heard of the Humanality Movement?

In 2018, after finding himself constantly on social media, Andrew Laubacher decided to give up social media and go back to using a flip phone. Six years later, he helps lead a movement dedicated to encouraging others to break their own tech addictions. He was not happy with how all the platforms were just becoming so all-consuming, and he felt that God was calling him to change.


What a Personal Prayer Looks Like

09-15-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

What does your personal prayer life look like? Does prayer happen daily or only as needed? Has it changed at all over time? Matthew Kelly offers some points to consider for those who would like to improve their prayer life.

Six Seismic Spiritual Shifts Regarding Prayer presented by Matthew Kelly

1. Just be open to beginning a conversation with God.


“Do not be afraid!”

09-08-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

It’s the most commonly repeated phrase in the Bible – found in one form or another – 365 times! “Do not be afraid!” It’s what Jesus told his disciples several times when they were frightened or troubled.

I think fear and anxiety are much more common feelings than people admit. Throughout salvation history, God reassured and comforted his troubled people.


Meaning and Importance of Work

09-01-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

On this Labor Day weekend, we’re invited to reflect upon the meaning and importance of work for ourselves as individuals, for our families and community, and for the wider society.

Work has far more significance than merely the practical means to “earn a living” so that we can feed, clothe and house ourselves and our families. Our Catholic Church has a rich set of teachings which explore a “spirituality of work.”


What Has God Created Me To Do

08-25-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

What has God created you to do for Him? Sometimes, it seems obvious. At other times, it can be hard to figure out, especially in rather troubling circumstances. St. John Henry Newman has a beautiful reflection about this situation that I hope you will find helpful.


A Navigation Tip From Fr. Bob

08-04-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

If you’ve been traveling this summer to a place you’ve never been before, you’ve probably had to use a smartphone app / GPS to provide you with directions on how to get to your destination. You listened to a voice on the device tell you where and when to turn. Not being familiar with the roads, you had to place your complete trust in the device… a little disconcerting especially if it was nighttime or the weather conditions were rather stormy. Yet, you got to where you were going because you followed the directions provided by the GPS.