A few years ago, our parish hosted an extraordinary international exhibit of over 100 photographs and historical descriptions of some of the principle Eucharistic Miracles, which have taken place throughout the centuries from around the world. For Catholics, these miracles substantiate the fundamental belief that the bread and wine consecrated at the altar at Mass become the true and real presence of Jesus Christ - Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. This is the great mystery we celebrate on today’s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).
At the exhibit, one could virtually visit places like 8th century Lanciano, Italy where the sacred wafer turned to real human flesh and the consecrated wine turned to human blood. There have been over 140 such miracles officially recognized by the Vatican. One of the more recent Eucharistic Miracles occurred at St. Jack Parish in Legnica, Poland. In April 2016, the local bishop, Zbigniew Kiernikowski, announced the miracle in this way. On 25th December, 2013 during the distribution of Holy Communion, a consecrated Host fell to the floor and then was picked up and placed in a water-filled container (vasculum). Soon after, stains of the red color appeared. The former Bishop of Legnica, Stefan Cichy, set up a commission to observe the phenomenon. In February 2014, a tiny red fragment of the Host was separated and put on a corporal. The commission ordered to take samples in order to conduct thorough tests by the relevant research institutes. In the final announcement of the Department of Forensic Medicine, it was reported: “In the histopathological image, the fragments of tissue have been found containing the fragmented parts of the cross striated muscle. (...) The whole (...) is most similar to the heart muscle with alterations that often appear during agony. The genetic research indicate the human origin of the tissue.” The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith recommended that the parish prepare a suitable place for a display of the relic so that the faithful could give it proper adoration. If you travel to St. Jack Parish in Legnica, Poland, you will be able to see this special display of the Holy Eucharist.
This Sunday, June 6, right after the 10:30 Mass, we’ll have a Corpus Christi Procession to celebrate the true presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. It will travel in front of the church onto Tremont Street to Chestnut Street returning by way of the lower parking lot and ending with Benediction on the lawn beside the church. Bring your family and demonstrate your Catholic by joining in the procession behind our Eucharistic Lord carried in the monstrance under a canopy and accompanied by prayers and song. Afterwards, our parish Knights of Columbus will host a barbeque with hamburgers and hotdogs. I hope you can join us!