Regular Weekend Schedule returns


We have returned to our normal Mass schedule will be held on Saturdays at 5:00pm and Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am and 10:30am.

We are making every effort to protect the health and safety of those choosing to attend Mass. Elders and vulnerable populations are encouraged to stay home in this early phase and watch Mass on our live-stream broadcast or on CatholicTV. The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation remains in effect.

Registration is no longer required for Mass.  We do still have limited seating.  Space will be given on a first come first serve basis and we ask that you please pay attention to the seat assigned to you but your seating ambassador.  The seating situation is a bit complex, but our Ambassadors are aware of ways to maximize seating so that more people are able to attend Mass.


Your Regular Financial Support is Needed

06-28-2020Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Contributions to Holy Family have slowed in recent weeks. To continue the wonderful ministry our staff members are providing, both onsite and virtually, we need you to make a weekly/monthly financial commitment to Holy Family. They’ve been working hard behind the scenes adapting to new realities, working around obstacles, creatively thinking outside the box to build community, reaching out in the midst of the isolation and social distancing – all with the mission to keep our faith front and center. And, we’re committed to see it through over the long haul. Your regular, generous support to Holy Family is what makes this ministry possible. To do this, please make an online recurring parish contribution by clicking here. We depend on you! Thanks for your consideration.

Public Masses Resume


This is phase one of a multi-phased process of relaxation of restrictions put into place to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. We are making every effort to protect the health and safety of those choosing to attend Mass. Elders and vulnerable populations are encouraged to stay home in this early phase and watch Mass on our live-stream broadcast or on CatholicTV.  The dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation remains in effect.

Once registered, we ask that you arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled Mass time and park in the Tremont Street Parking Lot.


May 18, 2020 - Update from Fr. Bob Deehan, Pastor of Holy Family Church regarding Phase 1 Re-Opening

05-18-2020NewsFr. Bob Deehan

We welcome the news announced today that parishes can resume Mass beginning this weekend provided they are able to adhere to the strict guidelines from both the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Archdiocese of Boston. These requirements stipulate specific attendance and social distancing parameters, as well as other safeguards intended to prevent people from contracting the coronavirus and limit its contagion.

The necessary steps a parish must follow are contained in the document released earlier today entitled, Archdiocese of Boston’s Plan for safely resuming Mass at the beginning of Phase One, which can be found by clicking here. Because parishes must have all of these requirements in place before re-opening, it is understood that “many or even most parishes” will need more time to prepare.


St. Aloysius Gonzaga – Patron Saint for Victims of Epidemics

03-27-2020Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

Did you know there’s a patron saint for victims of epidemics? It’s the 16th century Italian Jesuit, Aloysius Gonzaga. I thought it fitting to share this saint with you so that you might get to know him a bit and offer prayers for his intercession for us, since he was in a similar circumstance that we find ourselves in. St. Aloysius was born in 1568 in Lombardy, Italy, which, with quite some irony, is the region of Italy that currently serves as the epicenter for the Coronavirus in Europe! He was the eldest son of a noble family. A devout young man of deep faith, he was put off by the lifestyles of the aristocracy of the day, and felt called to enter the religious life. He renounced his royal title and entered the novitiate of the Jesuits.


March 19 is the Solemnity of St. Joseph

03-15-2020Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

This Thursday, March 19 is the Solemnity of St. Joseph – Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patron of fathers, families, workers, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston (CSJ) and the Universal Church. In honor of this feast, I invite you to pray the following prayer to St. Joseph composed many years ago by Sister Celestina, CSJ.

Prayer to St. Joseph

Dear St. Joseph, as we begin a new day, we beseech you to exercise your true paternal solicitude for each and every member of the Mystical Body of Christ. To you, Universal Patron of universal needs, do we present our problems whatever they may be. Realizing with implicit confidence, how powerful must be your intercession because of the important part you played in the plan of the Incarnation, we confide all the vital issues confronting the world today. Whether they be respect for lawful authority, sanctity of the family, holiness of marriage, value of social justice, the dignity of labor, you can lead the way. With fatherly love, guard and guide us; obtain for us the gift of piety and the spirit of prayer that we may acquire that interior life ofpeace so necessary for our perfection.

Great Saint, model of all who work, obtain the graces necessary for this day that we may justly render to God and man the conscientious fulfillment of the duties required of us in the plan of God.

God bless you!
Fr. Bob

Second Sunday of Lent

03-08-2020Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

Our parish offers several opportunities to help you grow spiritually during the season of Lent. There are online resources, like Best Lent Ever (with Journal) and the Rediscover the Saints book Facebook parish discussion group, or the daily Scripture reflection booklets available for personal prayer. You may find just the right book or CD on our media resource kiosk in the side narthex. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is offered more frequently during Lent (Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00pm) to provide a renewing and healing encounter with our merciful Lord, Jesus. Have you considered attending daily Mass for Lent? Several of our parishioners make this a Lenten practice. Consequently, we offer the 8:15am Mass in the main church to accommodate the larger number of people. Following daily Mass, we pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the chapel. (Free Rosary beads are available on the table outside the chapel.) Stations of the Cross is offered at 5:00pm on the Fridays of Lent. It's led by children of our parish and includes free pizza downstairs afterwards. All – young and old are most welcome! Also, there's Adoration/Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays (9:00am-5:00pm) in our chapel and on First Friday's for 24 hours! Have you ever just sat gazing at Jesus displayed in the monstrance? This period of prayer ends with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 5:00pm. These ancient prayers of the Church are something to be experienced if you've never had the pleasure.


Lenten Litany on Fasting and Feasting

03-01-2020Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

Fast from judging others – Feast on seeing Christ within them.
Fast from emphasis on differences – Feast on the unity of life.
Fast from thoughts of illness – Feast on the healing power of God.
Fast from words that pollute – Feast on phrases that purify.
Fast from discontent – Feast on gratitude.
Fast from anger – Feast on patience.
Fast from pessimism – Feast on optimism.
Fast from complaining – Feast on appreciation.
Fast from negatives – Feast on affirmatives.