Dynamic Catholic Suggests How to Create a Holy Moment

11-06-2022Pastor's CornerVery Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF

1. Order a meal delivery for a neighbor or friend who is having a hard time.

2. Buy coffee or a drink for the person in line behind you at a drive-thru.

3. Smile at everyone you encounter for a day. (with your eyes)

4. Donate your time, treasures or talents to a local charity.

5. Put together some care packages to give to the person holding a sign on the corner or to a homeless person. (Protein bar, bottle of water, personal care items, inspiring quote or scripture passage.)

6. Compliment a stranger.

7. Express your gratitude to a friend or family member.

8. Call an old friend and reconnect. Focus on speaking less. Say, “Tell me more.”

9. Bring a snack or dessert to share at the office.

10. Ask someone about their day and actively listen.

11. Write a letter to a friend or family member.

12. Give a copy of your favorite book to a stranger.

13. Leave a handwritten thank-you note for the office cleaning staff.

14. Offer to help an overwhelmed friend or co-worker.

15. Watch a friend’s children so they can have alone time or go on a date.

16. Bring coffee or lunch to someone.

17. Leave a random uplifting note on someone’s windshield.

18. Leave a large tip for no reason.

19. Call your parents or siblings and have them share an old memory that makes them smile.

20. Donate blood.

21. Reach out to your favorite teacher, manager or mentor. Thank them for their role in your life.

22. Say a prayer for someone you don’t like. Practice forgiveness and letting go of your negative feelings.

23. Give the gift of your presence - Experience carefree timelessness with a loved one in a tech-free zone.

24. Make an anonymous donation to a local charity.

25. Drop off dessert at your local law enforcement station or hospital.

God bless you!

Fr. Bob