Joy to the World!

12-19-2021Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

What are your plans for Christmas? Will be going away or staying home? If you’re staying home, you may be planning to bring along to Christmas Mass some children, grandchildren or other guests who may not have weekend Mass a normal part of their routine. This is an opportunity! It’s a chance to share with them how special your participation at Mass is to you.

When done in a genuine way without any “guilt trip” language, after praying to the Holy Spirit for courage and guidance on what to share, it could provide some powerful “food for thought” and reflection on what their faith means to them.

For all of us who come to Christmas Mass, we realize that this moment is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to those who are not active in the practice of their faith, who, for various reasons, come to Christmas Mass to celebrate with their family members, friends and neighbors. Their presence with us is a wonderful thing, and could well be an answer to somebody’s prayers. Still, these folks will take up a lot of space, including perhaps your usual seat, which some will find off-putting and inconvenient. I encourage you to move beyond any negative feelings this may engender, and make a special effort to give them a warm welcome. Your pleasant attitude, your making room for them, your gentle smile (vs. annoyed look) will go a long way to let them know they are accepted, loved brothers and sisters in Christ, and that we’d like to have them join us more often.

I thank you in advance for whatever special efforts and sacrifices you will make to offer this kind of hospitality - not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. You never know what positive impact it will make. Please pray that all of us will experience an abundance of God's love and peace at Christmas!