Holy Family strives to be a joyful, welcoming community of faith that encounters Jesus and thinks with His mind and loves with His heart.


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Join us for Mass at 9:00am every Sunday live-streamed here. Recordings will be available afterwards on our website and also on our YouTube Channel.

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5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

02-09-2025  |  Fr. Bob Deehan

I came across a saint I knew nothing about recently reading Matthew Kelly’s “Saint of the Day” for Jan. 29 – that I share with you. It is St. Gildas the Wise (6th century). While we don’t know a whole lot about St. Gildas, we do know that he was “of the truth.” That may be why he came to be known as Gildas the Wise. After all, wisdom is truth lived. St. Gildas lived the truth by condemning the corruption of British kings and clergy in his book, On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain.


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Weekly Video Message

Each week, Father Bob or a member of the staff share a video message with the Holy Family Community. You can have these messages and other important information sent directly to your inbox by signing up for our parish Flocknotes. Sign up to receive our weekly messages here.