Thank You to our Deacons

09-19-2021Pastor's CornerRev. Robert J. Deehan, V.F.

This weekend, Deacon Art Keefe concludes his weekly ministry here at Holy Family. It coincides with his 25th Anniversary as a Permanent Deacon (Sept. 14), all of those years assigned to our parish! He has been a “Senior Deacon” for the last three years, which entitles him to reduce his responsibilities. However, he has pretty much carried on as before. However, now, he will greatly reduce his ministerial activity and enjoy a bit more time to himself. On behalf of our staff members and parishioners, I extend to Deacon Art our heartfelt congratulations and prayerful best wishes on celebrating his 25th Anniversary as a Deacon, and for good health and peace in his retirement.

I also want to express my deep gratitude to Deacon Art for all of the wonderful ways he has served our parish. He has lived out his role as Deacon in the true spirit of service, especially to those who are in great need – the hallmark of Diaconal ministry. Whether it was ministering to the needy, the bereaved, the incarcerated, the seriously ill and dying, the troubled and overwhelmed, Deacon Art has been there quietly offering his loving outreach and support. One very significant contribution he has made to Holy Family is bringing Stephen Ministry to our parish. And, this special outreach by trained parishioners to those experiencing any life difficulty has grown and flourished over many years now.

Even though we’ll miss his special ministry at the altar and in the pulpit, he will remain a valued part of our community and continue to serve among us as he is able. I hope you can join us this Sunday, Sept. 19 after the 10:30 Mass for a reception for Deacon Art downstairs in the Msgr. Glynn Parish Center to thank him for all he has done for us and to offer your personal best wishes.

The ministry of the Permanent Deacon is a wonderful and unique expression of God’s care for His Church. We are blessed to have in our parish recently ordained, Deacon Don Larose, and David Cosgrove who has entered his final year of formation to become a Permanent Diaconate.

I am happy to share the good news that there is another member of our parish community who is seeking to respond to God’s call to become a Permanent Deacon. Our parish Youth Faith Formation Minister / Social Media Coordinator, Matt Bensman has been accepted into the Formation Program for the Permanent Diaconate. He and his wife, KellyAnn, have begun a four year program of formation for diaconate candidates and their wives. Matt begins what is called a Year of Aspirancy that starts a program of spiritual, academic, pastoral and human formation, which if all goes well, will culminate in his ordination to the Permanent Diaconate in October 2025. I ask that you keep Matt, and his wife, KellyAnn, in your prayers as they progress together through this formation program. We pray that as Matt seeks to respond to the Lord's call to serve as a Permanent Deacon in our Church, he will be blessed with much wisdom, grace and strength to persevere and reach his goal of reception of the Sacrament of Holy Orders as a Permanent Deacon.