The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

06-02-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

I’d like to share with you an account of a true story told by Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. in his book entitled, Healing Through the Mass.

NASA has developed a special camera that scientists have used to detect levels of energy in the human body, which they have tested on astronauts in space. In their study they noticed that the energy level in humans appears as light on the screen of the monitor of the camera.

Through a two-way mirror, when the scientists tested the camera on dying patients in a hospital, they noticed a low level of energy shown by a weak light coming from the dying person, and the intensity of the light/energy level would wane as the dying person grew worse showing an increasingly weak level until the person died. That was until someone came into the room of one dying patient they were monitoring. The visitor showed up on the screen at a much higher level of energy/light, and there was a brighter light indicating a more intense energy coming from an object which looked like it was coming from the person’s pocket. Suddenly, the scientists saw that the light was filling the whole screen of the camera monitor and they rushed into the room to see what was causing this unusual effect. What they saw was the visitor giving the dying person Holy Communion, and afterwards, the light energy emanating from the dying patient who received Holy Communion showed to be amplified greatly. There was no plausible physical explanation for this occurrence. It had so deeply affected the scientist who conducted the experiment that he later decided to become a priest.

This scientific evidence of a detectable energy shown in the form of light on the screen of NASA’s special camera coming from the Eucharist and one who received it helps to reinforce the truth of Who we receive when we receive Holy Communion. Jesus Christ, the “Light of the World,” is truly present: Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. This special Sacrament is a source of grace and spiritual power/energy because it is Jesus Christ – origin of all light and life itself, Almighty God. The Holy Eucharist had a profound and evident effect on the dying man, and it can have a profound and evident effect on each of us who receive Holy Communion in faith and openness to His grace.

Please pray for a deeper faith in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Also, pray for those among us who do not believe in this essential doctrine of our Catholic faith. May our increased faith and reverence for the Eucharist, and our openness to God’s grace in this Sacrament make us convincing witnesses to non-believers that there is a life-changing divine power/energy available to us that can make all the difference in the world – if we welcome Him into our lives!