Prayers for Mother’s Day

05-12-2024Pastor's CornerFr. Bob Deehan

Happy Mother’s Day! I share with you some inspirational quotes and prayers for Mother’s Day.

Dear God, Bless All Mothers... In this intense nine months, when mothers-to-be are realizing that their life is about to change forever, bless them God, because they feel alternately elated and alarmed. Help each mother-in-waiting to understand that she has been carefully chosen, by both you and by her baby, to guide it through its early years on planet Earth.

Let her know that she will never be alone in the process. Help her to remember that her baby is your own perfect creation, just as she, herself, is your own perfect creation. Thank you God, for making each of your creations uniquely perfect in its own way. Amen.

– from the book Honoring Motherhood: Prayers, Ceremonies & Blessings by Lauren McLaughlin

God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers. - Jewish Proverb

A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. - Victor Hugo

The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. - Honoré de Balzac


For our mothers, who have given us life and love, may we show them reverence and love. For all who have been like mothers to us, may they be blessed in a special way with God’s grace and peace. For mothers who have lost a child through death, may their faith give them hope, and their family and friends support and console them. For mothers who have died, may God bring them into the joy of His kingdom.

Loving God, as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church. Bless all mothers, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, relatives and friends may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

- Adapted from the Book of Blessings (from the Roman Ritual of Catholic Church)