When you think about it, God went through “great lengths” to save humanity. At the right moment in history, in His tender mercy, God chose to come down to earth as a human being and reveal Himself in the person of JESUS! Humanity was in desperate need for meaning, purpose, hope and supernatural power / grace. We needed help to live joyfully, peacefully, and harmoniously with others, ourselves, and with Him.
Jesus makes it clear that God’s plan isn’t only about life here on earth, but also about life after death. With what’s going on in our world these days, it’s perhaps clearer than ever how much humanity needs to be saved. The key to allow Jesus to save us is our willingness to allow Him to do that. He doesn’t force Himself upon us, but invites us to respond to His loving outreach, His offer of grace, His model for living. Ironically, His ways are quite the opposite of what the world offers us as solutions. So, consider this Christmas to be an invitation to welcome Jesus anew in your life, and see what difference He can make for yourself, your family and beyond.
Blessings for a life-changing Christmas this year!
- Fr. Bob