Pastor's Corner

A Letter from our Pastor

10-16-2022Pastor's CornerVery Rev. Robert J. Deehan, VF

Bethanne Hennessey, sister-in-law of Fr. Joe Hennessey, is in need of a living kidney donor. As you may know, when Fr. Joe was at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Green Harbor a few years ago, he would help us out here at Holy Family by celebrating weekly – a daily Mass, and would assist periodically with confessions and an occasional Sunday Mass. His sister and brother-in-law, Sally and John Burke, are parishioners. Fr. Joe contacted me recently asking if I would spread the word about his sister-in-law’s need of a new kidney.

It is a special need that can only be filled by a special person who is in good health and has a generous heart and a willing spirit. If you or someone you know fits this description, please have them log on to: This website connects interested potential donors to an initial screening test from Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center. There is no obligation, and the screening survey is 100% confidential.

This reminds me of the story of a little girl who was critically ill. She needed a special kind of blood for a transfusion to save her life. Her brother had the same type of blood. So, after discussing this with his parents, the doctor asked him if he would be willing to give blood so that his sister might live. The young boy answered, hesitatingly, after reassurance from his parents, “all right.” After the blood transfusion was completed, the boy turned to the doctor and asked softly, “Doctor, when will I die?” It took only a moment for the doctor to realize the young boy had thought that giving blood to his sister would kill him!

Sacrifices come in all shapes and sizes. Some people find it hard to do and others find it less so. Part of the wisdom behind the spiritual practice of fasting is to discipline our body and our will to be prepared to sacrifice for some good, often to overcome a vice. However, it can also increase a spirit of generosity. When has the sacrifice of someone touched your heart?

God bless you!

Fr. Bob